Pinecast collects information about your audience and their listening habits. The most basic feature that Pinecast provides is listen history. This feature is available to all users: simply click your podcast's name in the left-hand sidebar. Once you have accumulated listens, they will begin to be displayed under the Overview tab.
Hovering your cursor over a point on the graph will show exact numbers.
Free Analytics
With our Demo plan, the following analytics are available:
Total listens
A count of unique downloads of your episodes over time. This view does not include Spotify data, except for the "All" timeframe.
Timezone adjusted? | Yes, except for "All" timeframe |
Includes Spotify data? | No, except for "All" timeframe |
Available per-podcast? | Yes |
Available per-episode? | Yes |
Available for networks? | Yes |
Available for clips? | Yes |
Total listens on Spotify
A count of unique downloads of your episodes over time that originated from Spotify.
Timezone adjusted? | No |
Includes Spotify data? | Yes |
Available per-podcast? | Yes |
Available per-episode? | Yes |
Available for networks? | Yes |
Available for clips? | No |
Listens by source
This view shows the source of listens, including Spotify. Sources include:
- RSS - listeners who accessed your show through a podcast app
- Player - listeners who used the Pinecast embeddable player
- Direct - listeners who clicked the Audio URL or listened via a site or app which used the Audio URL for an episode
- Spotify - listeners who listened through Spotify
- This is only used for Spotify listeners when passthrough is not enabled.
- JSON Feed - similar to RSS, but for listeners who used JSON Feed rather than the RSS feed
- Short link player - listeners who heard your episode on a Short Link
Note that because this view includes Spotify data, it mixes timezone-adjusted and non-timezone-adjusted listens into a single view. It also is affected by the stipulations associated with Spotify data.
Timezone adjusted? | Mixed, see above |
Includes Spotify data? | Yes |
Available per-podcast? | Yes |
Available per-episode? | Yes |
Available for networks? | Yes |
Available for clips? | Yes |
Starter Analytics
If you are on a paid plan (or are on the Community plan), you will have access to additional stats.
Listens by episode (truncated)
This view breaks down the total listen count by episode in a stacked area chart. For each point in the chart, the number of listens for each episode that was listened to is shown.
If there are more than eight episodes that received listens in the selected timeframe, we find the episodes which received the most ("top episode count") and fewest listens ("bottom episode count"). If the difference between the top and bottom episode counts is greater than 1/4 of the top episode count, we truncate the list of episodes shown to 6.
Truncation combines the least-listened to episodes into an "Other episodes" series.
Timezone adjusted? | Yes, except for "All" timeframe |
Includes Spotify data? | No |
Available per-podcast? | Yes |
Available per-episode? | No |
Available for networks? | No |
Available for clips? | Yes (see below) |
Listens by agent
This view shows the apps and services used to listen to your podcast.
Timezone adjusted? | N/A |
Includes Spotify data? | Yes |
Available per-podcast? | Yes |
Available per-episode? | Yes |
Available for networks? | Yes |
Available for clips? | Yes |
Listens by agent over time
This view shows the apps and services used to listen to your podcast over a given time. While "Listens by agent" shows a breakdown of the total listens over a given time window, "Listens by agent over time" shows a breakdown of the total listens per hour, day, week, or month over a given timeframe.
Note that because this view incorporates data from Spotify, it includes both timezone-adjusted and non-timezone-adjusted data. This has the side effect of causing totals to mismatch the "Total listens" view, and users in different timezones may see conflicting or otherwise inconsistent totals.
Timezone adjusted? | Partially |
Includes Spotify data? | Yes |
Available per-podcast? | Yes |
Available per-episode? | Yes |
Available for networks? | Yes |
Available for clips? | Yes |
Listens by OS
This view shows the operating systems that your listeners are using.
Timezone adjusted? | N/A |
Includes Spotify data? | No |
Available per-podcast? | Yes |
Available per-episode? | Yes |
Available for networks? | Yes |
Available for clips? | Yes |
Listens by time of day
This view shows the volume of listens occurring for days of the week and times of the day. It can be used to help understand when listeners are tuning in to your podcast.
The punchcard is arranged into a grid. Each row represents a day of the week, while each column represents an hour of the day. Dots appear on the grid at the intersection of days and times. The size of the dot represents the number of listens relative to the other days and times in the chart. An area with large dots suggests more listens are occurring on those days and times.
Dot size is computed by summing listens for that time window over the selected timeframe. The dot with the largest size represents the largest summed value. Dots are scaled such that a time window with zero summed listens has a one pixel diameter.
This view does not incorporate data from Spotify. It is timezone-adjusted.
Timezone adjusted? | Yes |
Includes Spotify data? | No |
Available per-podcast? | Yes |
Available per-episode? | Yes |
Available for networks? | Yes |
Available for clips? | Yes |
Episode listen totals
A report of the total number of listens each of your episodes has received. This view is inclusive of Spotify data.
Timezone adjusted? | Yes, except "All" timeframe |
Includes Spotify data? | No |
Available per-podcast? | Yes |
Available per-episode? | No |
Available for networks? | No |
Available for clips? | No |
Short links
Short Links have additional analytics which measure visits and other metrics.
Note that podcast and episode short links are tracked separately. While episode listens are a strict subset of podcast listens, visits for an episode's short link are distinct from a podcast's short link visits. If you'd like to see this changed, please reach out so that we can better understand your needs.
Total short link visits
The number of visitors that accessed your short link.
Timezone adjusted? | Yes, except for "All" timeframe |
Available per-podcast? | Yes, for podcast short link visits |
Available per-episode? | Yes, for episode short link visits |
Available for networks? | Yes, for podcast short link visits |
Short link visits by browser
The visits to your short link broken down by the browsers your visitors used.
Timezone adjusted? | N/A |
Available per-podcast? | Yes, for podcast short link visits |
Available per-episode? | Yes, for episode short link visits |
Available for networks? | Yes, for podcast short link visits |
Short link visits by browser
The visits to your short link broken down by the browsers your visitors used.
Timezone adjusted? | N/A |
Available per-podcast? | Yes, for podcast short link visits |
Available per-episode? | Yes, for episode short link visits |
Available for networks? | Yes, for podcast short link visits |
Short link clickthrough breakdown
When someone visits your short link and clicks through to a podcast app, this view will show which apps your visitors chose.
Timezone adjusted? | Yes, except for "All" timeframe |
Available per-podcast? | Yes, for podcast short link clickthrough |
Available per-episode? | Yes, for episode short link clickthroughs |
Available for networks? | Yes, for podcast short link clickthroughs |
Pro Analytics
Some features are only available to Pro Analytics Add-on customers.
Listen growth
This view shows the total listens a podcast, episode, or network received as they aged. For individual podcasts and episodes, this can show when listeners started or stopped tuning in. For networks, this is useful to see the relative growth of your shows, regardless of when the podcast began.
Timezone adjusted? | No |
Includes Spotify data? | Yes |
Available per-podcast? | Yes |
Available per-episode? | Yes |
Available for networks? | Yes |
Available for clips? | No |
Listen growth by episode
Similar to the "Listen growth" view, this breaks listen growth down by episode. Each episode is shown as a series, where the start of the series represents the time when the episode received its first listen.
If there is more than one episode, you'll have the ability to choose "ghost" mode, which may make it easier to read the chart. When an episode's series is more "flat" (indicating fewer listens over time), it becomes more transparent. Periods of growth (e.g., a week with more listens) will make the line more opaque.
Instead of a legend, the episode growth chart features a dropdown to choose a series with. The episode selected in the dropdown will be highlighted in red.
Feature | Normal mode | Ghost mode |
Series rendering | Series are rendered as a solid line | Series are rendered as translucent lines that vary in opacity |
Series that are increasing | Rendered as normal | Series that are increasing are more opaque |
Series that are remaining flat | Rendered as normal | Series that are remaining flat are more transparent |
Series selected in dropdown | Rendered as a thicker line | Rendered in red rather than blue |
This chart allows you to compare the relative growth of each episode from the point that it was released, rather than the absolute point in time (e.g., as with Listens by Episode). One line series that increases faster than another represents an episode that gained more listens at that point in its lifecycle than another.
Timezone adjusted? | No |
Includes Spotify data? | Yes |
Available per-podcast? | Yes |
Available per-episode? | No |
Available for networks? | No |
Available for clips? | No |
Listener locations
This view shows the locations of listeners to your podcast. Clicking a country shows the total and provides the option to show city-level data.
Timezone adjusted? | N/A |
Includes Spotify data? | Yes, at country level |
Available per-podcast? | Yes |
Available per-episode? | Yes |
Available for networks? | Yes |
Available for clips? | Yes |
Top episodes
This view shows up to the top 25 episodes of your podcast by total listen count. This view includes data from Spotify.
Timezone adjusted? | N/A |
Includes Spotify data? | Yes |
Available per-podcast? | Yes |
Available per-episode? | No |
Available for networks? | Yes |
Available for clips? | No |
Short link visitor locations
Additionally, if you choose to use Short Links, you'll see this view show the locations of the visitors to your short links.
Timezone adjusted? | Yes, except "All" timeframe |
Includes Spotify data? | N/A |
Available per-podcast? | Yes, for podcast short link visits |
Available per-episode? | Yes, for episode short link visits |
Available for networks? | Yes, for podcast short link visits |
Available for clips? | No |
Clip insertion is a beta feature. This documentation is subject to change.
Clip insertion allows you to insert clips into your episodes at predefined points. Each clip tracks its own analytics, allowing you to analyze the performance of clips and report listen counts across podcasts or episodes.
Most standard views are available:
- Total listens
- Listens by source
- Listens by agent
- Listens by agent over time
- Listens by OS
- Listener locations (with Pro Analytics)
- Listens by time of day
Listen growth is not available for clips.
Listens by episode (truncated)
A breakdown of total listens by the episode the clip was heard in. The list of episodes may be truncated in the same manner as the "listens by episode" view available with podcast analytics.
Unlike other views, the episodes reported in this view may span multiple podcasts.
This is viewable as a line chart or as a stacked area chart.
Data in this view is timezone-adjusted. It does not include data from Spotify unless passthrough is enabled.
Listens by podcast
A breakdown of total listens by the podcast the clip was heard in. This view is not truncated.
This is viewable as a line chart or as a stacked area chart.
Data in this view is timezone-adjusted. It does not include data from Spotify unless passthrough is enabled.
Other analytics
Most dashboards include totals at the top of the page. All of these totals include Spotify data (when available).
Episode totals
On podcast dashboards, the episode list includes total listen counts for each episode. These totals include Spotify data.
Episodes listed on the podcast dashboard can include sparklines of listen activity. These sparklines include Spotify data, but are not timezone-adjusted. Being as small as they are, the timezone-adjustment would have very little visual effect.
Spotify data
Spotify follower data is not currently available in Pinecast.
Listen data from Spotify usually has a 24 to 36-hour lag time. We check for new data every 24 hours, which means that data can be delayed up to 36 hours total.
Spotify data is reported by day. There is no way for us to timezone-adjust this data as we do with data collected directly on Pinecast.